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6 solutions to help you digitise fleet management operations

6 solutions to help you digitise fleet management operations

Digitalisation is no news to the business world. However, the current situation with the coronavirus outbreak has significantly increased the need to switch as many business operations as possible to the digital environment. It’s especially important for the transportation, logistics and delivery companies that have a crucial role in helping the world to deal with the pandemic. Here’s a list of six solutions that could allow your business to digitise and automate many of your daily operations and prepare for the future after the pandemic.
Dashboards for a convenient overview of your fleet state

Dashboards for a convenient overview of your fleet state

User experience is what makes customers choose one product over another. At Mapon, we strive to make our platform as easy-to-use and understand as possible, and it can only be done by taking into account what our clients have to say. Recently, we’ve got feedback that there is plenty of useful information in our system that offers a very detailed look into the state of the company fleet, but it takes a lot of time just to click through all sections and find all that data. That allowed our team to come up with Dashboards – an entirely new section that will allow you to keep track of the most important information of your fleet.