Our team is once again attending the largest annual technology event in the Gulf and North Africa – GITEX GLOBAL, taking place from October 10 to October 14. The electronics trade show, exhibition, and conference always gathers thousands of guests from many different industries, so it’s the perfect environment to discover new technological opportunities and establish partnerships.

For Mapon, it’s a great platform to showcase our digital fleet management and asset tracking solutions, letting anyone see first-hand how beneficial such solutions are in improving business process transparency and overall efficiency.

Our Head of Export Sales Raivis Bondars shares his experiences and expectations:

“GITEX has never been just about showcasing the latest products and services but, more importantly, a hub for exchanging thoughts on and expectations of new technology and innovations. We are looking forward to meeting our existing and potential partners for fruitful discussions on telematics trends, possibilities and challenges, as well as an introduction to what we have been up to since the last GITEX exhibition.”

This time, we’ll be showcasing how our clients’ business processes can be optimised by using solutions, such as vehicle monitoring with cameras, fleet and workforce management through a mobile app, asset tracking with Bluetooth low-energy beacons, various fleet fuel control solutions and more.

Feel free to come by and have a chat with the Mapon team at Sheikh Rashid Hall, stand SR-32 – test out the solutions yourself and discuss partnership opportunities or possible integrations. To schedule a meeting beforehand, simply get in touch with our team. See you there!