Latvia is among the greenest countries in Europe. Its natural resources – forests and fields – cover more than half of the territory, ensuring a sustainable, prospective environment for those entrepreneurs representing the agricultural industry.

To manage their crops, companies often employ special equipment that assists field workers. However, since each and every technical unit must be carefully looked after, managers are always seeking reliable fleet management solutions. In this article, you’ll learn how Mapon solutions have helped the company Artis JP overcome various business challenges and protect its fleet from theft.

Equipping agricultural machinery with tracking devices
Equipping agricultural machinery with tracking devices

Artis JP Ltd. is a Latvia-based grain company with more than 20 years of experience in the field. When the business was established, only six people were working at the company, but today the number of employees has increased fivefold. During this time the company has invested in new agricultural machinery, thereby considerably expanding its work capacity. By now, approximately 50 units are equipped with Mapon tracking devices. Artis JP representative Guntars Zemītis says:

“Initially, fleet management solutions weren’t our priority, but the larger the fleet grows, the more important it becomes to know where your equipment is located.”

The company’s fleet is comprised mainly of tractors, combine harvesters, and agricultural equipment. As one would expect, these assets are expensive and, therefore, at high risk of being stolen. In this context, Guntars Zemītis recalls how an excavator was stolen from the company territory several years ago: “That was a major turning point for the company, which led us to install Mapon GPS tracking devices on all our equipment.”

Although no farmer or agricultural enterprise is fully protected from robbery attempts, GPS fleet tracking allows you to oversee all unit locations in real-time. “In case of theft, we will be able to retrieve the appropriated equipment,” Guntars Zemītis explains.

Control over fuel consumptionControl over fuel consumption

Soaring fuel prices in Europe are reaching unprecedented heights, making entrepreneurs concerned about the future prospects of their businesses. To avoid these concerns, Artis JP makes use of a solution that helps monitor fleet fuel consumption on a daily basis.

“For us, it’s important to track fuel consumption and cut down on costs. That’s where Mapon is of great help. For instance, the platform offers various reports that display information about all our agricultural units and their fuel consumption,” Guntars Zemītis says.

The solution was recommended to the company by its business partner Otaņķu Dzirnavnieks which has reduced fleet fuel consumption by 10% with the help of Mapon.

Daily support for improving employee productivityDaily support for improving employee productivity

When asked about whether the company monitors employee workload and their performance, Guntars Zemītis gives an affirmative response and adds that integrity is the quality he values in his employees the most.

He also acknowledges that during the years, there have been cases in which employees used the company’s equipment for personal purposes. Similarly, the company once faced a situation where their units were equipped with GPS silencers. Thanks to Mapon, this doesn’t happen anymore.

“The work in the agricultural industry requires a strong sense of responsibility and precision, therefore we want to make sure that our employees are accurate in their duties. To ensure that, we use the Mapon Worktime solution,” the Executive Director of Artis JP shares his experience.

In closing, as we talked about technology’s impact on business growth, Guntars Zemītis says that he believes every business can benefit from innovation and, thus, find success. He also highly values Mapon and its contribution to improving fleet management processes within the Artis JP fleet. “I am 100% satisfied with the quality of Mapon solutions, and I have no doubt that our cooperation will continue for many years to come,” Guntars Zemītis is confident.

If you want to integrate our solutions within your company or test the Mapon platform yourself, feel free to contact us!

“The work in the agricultural industry requires a strong sense of responsibility and precision, therefore we want to make sure that our employees are accurate in their duties. To ensure that, we use the Mapon Worktime solution,” the Executive Director of Artis JP shares his experience.