Work Time Tracking with Mapon: Save Time for Everyone Involved
If your company is looking for a simple way to increase employee productivity, achieve next-level reporting, and promote internal transparency, you have come to the right place. Mapon offers Worktime – an intuitive time tracking solution that will do just that. In this article, we’ll show you the features and benefits it can bring to your fleet.
Employee management made easy
One of the most important aspects of a manager’s job is ensuring that employees reach a certain level of productivity. One way of doing this is to ask employees to track work time.
For employees, Worktime allows simple time tracking using an app; for managers – the option to follow the working hours of their employees. They can get a summary of the current situation or dig deeper when needed. On the Mapon web platform, the manager can access two sections:
- Overview – displays each employee’s working hours in a day, total working time, and breaks over a month. Employees can also edit the entries, which will then show up as red dots for managers to review.
- Tracked times – shows all recorded data in more detail for the selected month, such as, the status (e.g., driving, break, working), the start and end address; allows for data filtering by the associated client, project, and employee.
On top of that, to better comprehend which employees are working too much or not enough, a score is calculated. Scores are based on custom percentages set by the company and range from A (best) to G (worst). For example, the manager can choose the threshold of 80% to 90% for score B, meaning that if the employee has worked 87% of the required time, they receive the score of B. These scores are linked to colours that show up next to each employee (a gradient from green to red), letting the manager know the team’s situation with a single look.

Intuitive data for managers, accountants, and employees
Worktime ensures that precise data is always available for all stakeholders involved in everyday processes – managers, employees, and accountants. Using reliable information, managers can evaluate employee performance, optimise resources, and base their decisions on data. Employees can follow their salary calculations, and accountants can make these calculations precisely, reducing the risk of errors.
The data can also be exported and analysed outside of Worktime, for example, uploaded to the company’s accounting system. Additionally, if the company provides services and the tracked time needs to be categorised by clients and projects to bill them, Worktime provides the precise number of working hours on the job.
Lastly, our time tracking solution promotes company transparency and increases workers’ accountability. Employees are motivated to log their hours accurately to ensure they are paid properly. Worktime’s user-friendly interface and mobile app accessibility make this process quick and convenient.
Customisable time tracking for your company
Finally, one of the most valuable aspects of Worktime is that you can tailor it to your needs. Managers can set working days and hours for easy data gathering. If you need to track specific activities, Worktime has the option to create custom unlimited work statuses with the indication of whether the activity is considered productive or not. Moreover, managers can encourage employees to use the app by creating a push notification that reminds them to start and finish a shift at a certain time.

Take the opportunity to ease your everyday operations and track work time with Mapon! Contact our team to learn more about our solutions and how they can help you save time and resources!