Mapon Blog

Here we write about our latest updates and share our knowledge by publishing insightful articles on how to use fleet management telematics solutions to take your business to a new level!

3 things that reduce mobile workforce productivity

3 things that reduce mobile workforce productivity

While the concept of a mobile workforce may seem relatively new, it can be traced back to 1972 when Jack Nilles, a former rocket scientist, invented telecommuting by running a complex NASA communication project fully remote. Exactly 50 years later, working offsite has grown into the new normal – about 80% of the workers around the world are referred to as deskless employees. The individuals making up the deskless workforce are mostly operating in such industries as construction, transportation, retail, healthcare, and other fields. Over the years, the number of remote workers has grown rapidly, therefore, companies must recognize situations that can negatively impact their mobile workforce productivity, as well as learn how to avoid them.
Reducing food waste during transportation: How can telematics help?

Reducing food waste during transportation: How can telematics help?

Food waste during transportation is a serious issue because, despite the fact that the world produces more than enough food to feed everyone, around 800 million people go to bed on an empty stomach every night. That’s according to research conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization. While poverty, climate change and international conflicts are among the greatest contributors to hunger in the world, nearly one-third of the food produced globally simply goes to waste due to inadequate storage conditions and supply chain inefficiencies. While it’s hard to tell exactly how much food is wasted during transportation, it certainly is an area wirth improving. Therefore, this article explains how the use of telematics can help freight companies better deliver temperature-sensitive products to their retail destinations and reduce food loss during transportation.
3 ways to manage the surge in fuel prices

3 ways to manage the surge in fuel prices

While fuel prices have always been a sore subject, due to recent events surrounding Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it’s become a pain point for many. Fuel prices have since spiked, leaving everybody with a question if, when and by how much will the prices come back down. And although frustration and denial may be part of the road to acceptance, we believe in focusing on the solution. In this article we discuss how smart and fact-based fuel management can help your team use fuel more effectively and give you more control over your expenses now and in the future.

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How to start using digital tachograph download and analysis tools?

How to start using digital tachograph download and analysis tools?

Tachograph download and analysis tools became relevant after 2006, when digital tachographs gained wide recognition in the world, marking a whole new era in the road transportation sector. Since then, fleet managers have realized the importance of having precise and easily accessible data that can lead to smarter business decisions. Predictive analytics and accurate reporting based on digital tachograph data are the main factors that can improve your fleet efficiency and safety on the road. However, there are various kinds of digital tachograph software that can be used for downloading and analyzing the incoming data, depending on the size of your fleet and business necessities. In this article, we’ll go over the main factors that can help you with digital tachograph data download and analysis. gained wide recognitionPredictive analytics and accurate reporting based on digital tachograph data are the main factors that can improve your fleet efficiency and safety on the road. However, there are various tools that can be used for downloading and analysing the incoming data, depending on the size of your fleet and business necessities. In this article, we’ll go over the main factors that can help you with digital tachograph data download and analysis. gained wide recognition
Mapon Expert – an advanced telemetry device for effective fleet management

Mapon Expert – an advanced telemetry device for effective fleet management

When Mapon started out, it was common for fleet management service providers to develop their own hardware, as very few mass market tracking devices were available at the time. While years have passed and telemetry hardware is now widely available, Mapon is still developing its own hardware units in parallel to using mass market products.  In-house made hardware allows us to build on our original design by simply upgrading the firmware (and software) as we go. To give you an idea of the latest changes in our firmware development, take a look at what the latest upgrade has brought to our Mapon Expert GPS tracking device.
How to automate toll paying in Hungary via e-track?

How to automate toll paying in Hungary via e-track?

With integrations you can join functionalities of different systems you use, therefore increasing the capabilities of each system and making working with them more convenient. It allows you to save your time because instead of inputting data in two places, you can simply do it once. Instead of switching between systems, you can just open one. And so on. That’s why we’re offering our clients the opportunity to use the Mapon platform’s integrations with the leading transportation and logistics industry IT systems and digital tools. 
3 ways of using telematics solutions to ease wage calculation

3 ways of using telematics solutions to ease wage calculation

You may have heard about a multitude of reasons as to why telematics solutions can benefit your business. Anything from tracking your assets and vehicles, fuel usage and expenses to making your fleet more efficient over time. However, we find that there are still very practical yet often overlooked benefits to be gained. In this article, we’ll discuss how data collected using telematics can be useful to calculate your employee’s wage in a matter of minutes.
How to use data from Mapon in the freight exchange?

How to use data from Mapon in the freight exchange?

By using integrations you can expand the functionality of the systems you use and in many cases streamline your business processes while doing so. In simple terms, integrations can save you time because rather than inputting data into many systems, you can just do it once. 
Which telematics solutions can assist in EU law compliance on driving and rest times?

Which telematics solutions can assist in EU law compliance on driving and rest times?

At the beginning of this year, a local business owner approached Mapon for a consultation on digital tachograph rule compliance matters and how telematics solutions could help his business in the future. The situation was this – he at that moment was dealing with a court case threatening to revoke his license due to tachograph rule violations. While this is a common occurrence, it’s also easily avoidable. From reminders and basic tachograph data downloads to smart analysis tools that will do the thinking for you, introducing telematics solutions in your fleet might be the answer you’re looking for.  There are several regulations issued at the EU level and even additional ones on the national level that concern tachograph follow-up matters, the most widely-known being Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 and now – the Mobility package. And while these laws, amendments and explanations are widely available, it’s almost impossible to follow-up with every detail, if you choose to do it yourself. In this article we’ll introduce you to Mapon solutions that can help manage your fleet’s tachograph data and make sure you always stay in line with EU rules and regulations.